Accommodation & Transportation


We have a large numbers of Hostel within Penang area, Island and Mainland. Worker’s accommodations are furnished to meet certain specifications in respect of the nature and common facilities to be made available. Properly maintained and done regular spot checks, to maintain the quality.

Separate dedicated team to handle Employee’s accommodation and transportation.

Provide housekeepers/cleaners to monitor and ensure hostel always in good and proper conditions.

Monitor all the hostel bill payments including electricity, water, garbage, maintenance & etc.

Maintenance repair work to be settled within 7 working days and urgent cases within 24 hours.

Conduct frequent hostel audit/inspection.


Providing efficient and effective transportation services to accommodation to our customers in cost-effective ways.

Sending workers to and from hostel to workplace.

Emergency support after working hours (from hostel)

Sending workers to airport upon repatriation

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